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Old 03-13-2007, 01:33 AM   #1
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Default Did Microsoft defeat Windows?

How many do you know who bought Vista? I know noone. How many do you know who stopped to play games on PC and bought an XBox? I know many.

PC was the dominating gaming platform up to just a few years ago. Now experts say PC gaming have been declining during the later years. A simple search on gaming sites such as mobygames or gamerankings show this trend. The amount of PC games released each year have dropped drastically while the console titles for enduring brands (nintendo/sony) remains close to the same.

Now, when did the PC platform begin to drop?

Reference: Mobygames
2006, Win: 497 titles, XBox 79+95 titles (2nd value = 360)
2005, Win: 602 titles, XBox 230+25 titles (2nd value = 360)
2004, Win: 763 titles, XBox 212 titles
2003, Win: 817 titles, XBox 222 titles <- Peak of the PC platform
2002, Win: 702 titles, XBox 177 titles
2001, Win: 660 titles, XBox 25 titles <- XBox released
2000, Win: 625 titles

It takes about 2-3 years to produce a modern game. If you compare this to the table above, note when XBox took over.

In the recent years I have heard people promote Linux and Macintosh with "if I want games I buy a console".

My theory is, Microsoft defeated Windows. The greatest competitor against Vista is their own console and their attention to XBox have hurted their own market even more.

Imagine if Microsoft had used their money to promote Windows as the competitor against Sony and Nintendo. Imagine if they would have invested research in gaming hardware for windows, bought "Windows Exclusives", advertised Windows as an entertainment platform with upcoming games. Imagine if XBox was a cheap hardware to connect PC to your television with just a DVD reader, plugs for a controller and wireless/lan to your PC.

Imagine if every XBox 360 exclusive game was instead a Vista exclusive game. Imagine if "XBox Vista" was sold, bundled with the hardware I mentioned above.

If that was the case, would you have bought Vista?

Point being: Microsoft defeated themselves.

Last edited by JemyM; 03-13-2007 at 03:21 AM.
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