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Old 02-14-2007, 07:12 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Pyuras View Post
Have you played Oblivion or Neverwinter Nights 2? Now pick a random RPG from 20 years ago and tell me that you don't see any evolution in the gameplay mechanics. Get System Shock 2 or Deus Ex and compare them to Doom. See no evolution whatsoever? They may not all be HUGE steps forward, but some evolution took place. Now pick Still Life and Monkey Island. I don't see any real evolution in gameplay mechanics between these two games.

I didn't mean innovation just for the sake of it, because, as you pointed out, innovation alone is not necessarily a good thing. As you also pointed out, it's a job for the developers. But, how would anyone developing a game (and spending a lot of money already in a risky market as is the AG) have the guts to try to do really innovative and fresh changes when he knows the market for this type of games is VERY conservative? For christ's sake, there are people that won't even try a game just because it's 3D. That's why I said it's our fault as players. Just look at the list of groundbreaking games (for all genres) that were commercial flops. It's not a problem exclusive to the AG audience, but I think it's worse in the AG community then in other markets.
Compare NWN 2 and baldur's gate... same game to me... System shock and deus ex would only matter if they became the new standard, but they haven't. Deus Ex 2 was crap and most shooters are still the same game over and over. The genre is still the same. A few games that push the boundary are great, but unless all future games take the boundary pushing and at least hold it, there is no actual step taken.. just one or 2 unique games.
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