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Old 02-03-2007, 10:36 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Catbert View Post
Are they constantly reworking graphics or what? I don't get it. It's not like Doom 3 wasn't obsolete less than a year after it came out. Graphics don't last.
Yea - first it was the quake engine, then quake 2 engine, then the unreal engine, then an upgraded unreal engine (mainly because by this time it's 1999 and they ha already promised the game by this year at the 1998 E3), and then most recently a heavily modified unreal 2 engine.

Broussard loves to brag that they pretty much rewrote the engine - which i think is crap - why reinvent the wheel (especially 6 years after you where supposed to have finished the wheel).

Every engine change requires new textures, new models, new physics engines, etc... The reason for the constant changes is:

A: Team picks engine
B: Team develops for engine
C: Team quits/gets canned
D: Developing is delayed
E: Engine is now dated
F: Repeat A-F 4 more times.
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