Thread: Three Questions
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Old 01-19-2007, 07:42 AM   #736
Second Degree Black Belt
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Originally Posted by SSH
Well, if he said that, you;d have to be a pretty awful person NOT to be better than that. Bastard (not to disparage your grandmother). As a father myself, I really cannot understand one iota how any father could say that.
Yeap he really said that. I was 13 years old and from then on out we never spoke to each other except to pass stares of hate. After he told me that besides the stares of hate we wouldn’t even stay in the same room with each other. If one of us came into a room the other would leave.

My grandmother understands that he and I don’t get along well at all, but that is her son and I respect that and hold my tongue when I’m around her. I love my grandmother and I would never say anything to her or around her to upset her. She is fully aware of my father’s behavior.

Thanks for the hug, *hugs for SSH*

Originally Posted by Jelena
1. How come proverbs/sayings from different languages are so alike?
2. Which is your favorite proverb/saying?
3. Make up a proverb/saying of your own. (OK, that's not a question, but if I was to ask you if you'd like to do so, you might answer no. And that wouldn't be any fun. )
1. B/c they have been passed down through the generations for years. I think that we are all connected through our history somewhere.
2. My favorite is “Piss or get off the pot”
3. “Stop striating the fence or you might cut your nuts off”

1. Cloudy night or bright stars
2. Full moon or large harvest moon
3. warm summer night or cold winter night
Lord make my words as sweet as honey, for tomorrow I may have to eat them.

“Pretty badass and tough and won't take crap from anyone” -Squinky
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