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Old 01-14-2007, 10:49 PM   #299
Unreliable Narrator
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Le Canada
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Location: Same as usual.

Weather: -4°C. It was reasonably sunny today, with the snow still on the ground. Very pretty. Too bad I'm not fond of the cold.

Activity: Forumming, IMing, rearranging the books on my new bookshelf.

Apparel: Dark blue sweater over a t-shirt that proves that 2 = 1, light blue pyjama pants with ice-skating penguins on them.

State of Mind: Overcast, though not quite raining.

Thoughts: Well, since you asked...

I only started school a week ago, but it feels like much longer than that. I'm not happy, and it's only going to get worse once I get the assignments and tests thrown at me. I miss California, Telltale, and living by myself. Plus, my sleeping schedule's out of whack, seeing as I wasn't able to schedule my courses as late as I wanted to.

On lonely nights like these, I want to throw myself into doing something creative so I can distract myself from my melancholy. But my head's just so cloudy, and I'm starting to get tired. I'll probably just go finish the book-rearranging, then curl up in bed with one of my textbooks.
Squinky is always right, but only for certain values of "always" and "right".
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