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Old 01-04-2007, 07:56 PM   #24
Supreme Dictator for Life
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Posts: 79

I'd recommend the 360 (though I'm extremely biased due to the fact that I got one a few weeks ago and I have a strong dislike for nintendo products). A game like Oblivion will probably keep you occupied for a few weeks - and that's with heavy play (I've put about 20 hours into it and I feel like I haven't even scratched the surface). XBox Live is a cool feature too, as it at least allows access to downloadable demos (not sure if the "free" XBL does this, but the Gold version has come close to paying for itself already). I'd strongly recommend putting up the extra $100 and springing for the premium pack. That hard drive is a great luxury to have. There are only two real downsides to the 360 that I can think of: 1) There have been a lot of reports of 360s breaking down (though this hasn't happened to me or anyone I know). 2) "Backwords compatibility" is kind of sketchy. None of my EA games from regular XBox work on the 360 with the exception of fight night.
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