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Old 12-28-2006, 01:40 PM   #1964
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Flags of our Fathers

For some reason the American critics are going mad over this movie.

A film about the myth of heroes and how they are used for another cause. In this case, a meaningless photo is heralded as a sign of hope by the American public and short of cash the treasury bring back the 3 "heroes" for a whistle stop tour of the US raising money for the war effort.

It jumped about all over the place making any sense of what was going on a hassle. Flasbacks to the battle of Iwo Jima, the tour of the US and various points in the lives of the 3 surviving member of the flag-raising group.

None of the characters were memorable enough to give a crap about.

Overall though I thought the film was pretty mediocre, too disjointed and if I never see another bloody beach storming scene in a WWII movie again i'll be very happy.

I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!
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