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Old 02-27-2004, 06:06 AM   #72
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 61

>> But todd, I advise you to take a look at europe (and the Netherlands in specific) to see how we handle things like this...

I have been looking at Europe for years. What are you talking about specifically? Haven't you read anything I've posted? Why don't you read some of the articles?

Or is gun-control a religion with you? Because with a lot of people it is.

>> The whole idea that you need a gun to defend yourself is stupid, defend against what? other people with guns?

No. They can be used to defend life from attackers with guns, no pants on, knives, swords, flower pots, chains, bare fists, etc. It really doesn't matter. An estimated 1,500,000 to 2,500,000 Americans *do* use guns to stop crimes every single year. An estimated 400,000 believe it probably saved their lives. Tell them it's stupid. Find a person who wouldn't be here today if they didn't have a gun when they needed it, and tell them they're stupid for having the sense they needed just to be alive today.
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