Thread: Three Questions
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Old 12-19-2006, 11:56 AM   #400
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Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
1. What is art?
2. What is good art?
3. Is it up to the artist to should judge what's best for his/her art, or is it up to the audience?
1. I wonder if it's possible to give a straight answer to that one. "Something created with the intention of being art", is a somewhat reasonable answer. It includes a lot of weird things I don't know if I'd really agree it is art, though.
2. Art that gives something to the audience. Preferably that something is a reaction like "that's disgusting". If that's what I get, I won't consider it good art. But what I get from it doesn't have to be beauty. (Unless you define beauty in a wider than usual way.)
3. Another hard question. Generally, I think my answer is the artist, but it's a wide (and vague) question so there can certainly be situations where I'd think the opposite.


Instead of posting three new questions, I'm cheating and ask the next poster to answer his or her own last three questions.

(Edit: That would mean that if Hammerite replies to this, he should answer the following:
Originally Posted by Hammerite View Post
1. How do you think up questions?
2. What's the time where you are?
3. Is it obvious I'm running low on ideas?
But since I broke the rules anyway, I guess I can't complain. I won't do it again.)
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Last edited by Trumgottist; 12-19-2006 at 01:38 PM.
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