Thread: Three Questions
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Old 12-19-2006, 04:30 AM   #398
Live Slow Die Old
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Originally Posted by undeaf View Post
You sure ask some predictable questions about crime.
Firstly, I've only been stoned once, never driven drunk and stole a pack of gum from a corner store when I was twelve, to answer my own questions. Secondly, they may be predictable but no more or less so than anyone else's. I'd consider the crime thing to be more of a running theme in my questions (and an unintentional at that), sort of like how food, travel and things people would change about themselves seem to pop up again and again in other people's questions.

Originally Posted by SSH View Post
1. What is the best amateur adventure you have ever played that features unicorns, magic hats, a loom, an ant and a swan? (Hint, see my sig)
2. Don't you hate it when people subvert a trhead to do some blatant self-promotion
3. What's YOUR best thing online that you have made?
1. Oh lord, I don't think I've played any amateur games featuring unicorns, magic hats, a loom an ant and a swam. Should I?
2. Yes, sort of like what I'm about to do right now:
3. This is a short film I made at school 5 years ago. Other than the photos on my blog, it's the only thing that I made that's online. I'm still reasonably happy with it at this point, although I've done better stuff since (also, I replaced the stolen score with an original one, but that was years after this first went up online at - which someone recently found and posted on youtube somehow)


1. Did you ever want to be an astronaut?
2. Have you ever killed a man after running a red light in a stolen car while snorting coke off a naked 12-year-old girl's back? Oh shit, there I go again.
3. Who on these forums would you most like to answer the questions you're about to post?

Last edited by Flyboy; 12-19-2006 at 05:05 AM.
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