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Old 12-18-2006, 12:53 AM   #79
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 5,534

^ Awww.. 'tis true though, there's plenty of players extremely experienced with that kind of game. In a way I'm glad that I'm still playing RoC, since it is said that the most experienced ones are to be found in TFT, which is also a bit more demanding on the player's part due to new units, lowered unit costs and so on. My stats are almost balanced (stupid router . Not that I played much yet, but yesterday I was asked to join a clan.

No, I'm not good, I never played Starcrat back in the day, and never needed to use keyboard shortcuts in strategy games before. But the more I'm playing, the more I'm getting used to it, and I've come to enjoy the fast pace of this game. It's all about having fun, and I'm glad that there still seem to be enough players I can keep up with. Ideally there should be enough for everbody. I've also heard that it takes a while for the game to get you the match ups you need.

Originally Posted by GoT View Post
I'm thinking about re-installing WarIII and Frozen throne and having the occasional game.. but for me its a social thing too. WOuld any of you care to have a room that we all visit whilst on there? maybe an adventuregamers room? all it takes is a /join AG everytime you enter the chat rooms. Just a thought but its been a while since my last game and i really wouldn't mind getting back into it a little bit.
Neat idea, we just needed to sort out a couple of issues. Like: On which server are you playing on? For Europeans (like me) it's Northrend, and I haven't tried connecting to another one and hence don't know about possible lags. TFT or RoC? And most of all: Time zones. I hate 'em.

What really would kick ass would be an adventure gamer's tournament, or league or something like that. Even though this game seemed to be relatively popular over here, I dunno if anybody's still playing it, though. Still, something like that would be cool.

Originally Posted by GoT
have a read of the manual of your router too and see if it has commands to allow certain game ports through. Let me know how you go.
Originally Posted by Relek
When I got my router I had to reduce to the MTU (can't remember what that stands for right not but I'm sure you will find it somewhere in the router options) to allow me to access certain websites and online gamers.

Thanks for your advice, I'll take another look into it. What I did is freeing those ports (6112-6119 for Warcraft3) in the router's setup, and setting up a static IP. Though I don't know if that's needed. Or not. That's when I still got those random disconnects. Like all those other users of Netgear routers, apparently...
Look, Mr. Bubbles...!
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