Thread: Heroes
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Old 12-06-2006, 07:07 AM   #113
Crunchy in milk
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Originally Posted by rlpw View Post
well remember that Clair's dad said something abour Sylar altering his DNA so many times!

I don't know how they're going to explain the muffin topping. When Mohinder's dad goes to Gabriel's shop the first time Gabriel is cannibalising clock parts together into a new watch (sylar) like he seems to be doing with people's powers. Is he taking a physical part of brain and placing it inside himself?

If this is the case then you have to wonder if Eden managed to destroy the part of her brain Sylar needs when she shot herself.

I'm betting the Haitian intentionally returned Sylar's abilities for some as yet unknown reason. Sylar must escape and (I hope) the bomb must happen. Everyone keeps saying they must save the world and so far they think stopping the bomb is the target but its way too obvious to be the real endgame.

The painting of Hiro with the dinosaur was funny, without context its difficult to assume he really travels back that far though. More likely its indicative of where he gets the sword (say in a museum with a dinosaur exhibit?).

My burning questions are - Can Peter absorb more than one person's powers at once? and what was his girlfriend doing in the dream?
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