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Old 10-31-2006, 02:49 PM   #607
Ale! And keep 'em coming!
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Originally Posted by Flyboy View Post
Ha! He does look a little decomposy, now that you mention it. I've been meaning to redraw him lately, or maybe draw something new. I'm getting a little bored of that guy.

And Caine is laughable at best. I used to watch that show for the cliche value, but it got a little too outrageous for me to enjoy. I can only suspend my disbelief so far (or so long or whatever). Everything was just too convenient, too contrived, too fake. I hate characters like Horatio who are too bloody cool to ever say goodbye to anyone at the end of a conversation. He's too flawless for me to care about or believe, and it pissed me off that they manage to catch the badguy at the end of every single episode and for some reason they always end up confessing to a bunch of crime scene investigators about murdering their cheerleader girlfriends in the backseat of their media mogul father's lamborghini. What ever happened to the the whole court part of this process? It's just - too much.

And that blond girl who's daddy I hear has enough money to get her a gig in just about anything, makes me want to shoot my TV. The Las Vegas show was okay at the start, but even that became increasingly ridiculous over time.

And speaking of Horatio (and conveniently, Halloween), I dressed up as him last year for a costume party because I thought it was funny. I ended up winning first prize out of about 60 people with pretty good disguises. I'd post some pictures, but unfortunately they're all back in Montreal. Needless to say, my options as a red-head are quite limited when it comes to costumes of recognizable people.

I guess what you say is true. Still, I quite like CSI:Miami, as it's enjoyable to watch. Also, it comes right before "House M.D." (which is a lot better), which itself comes right before "Monk".

Better than CSI:Miami I also like "Navy CIS", which comes on Thurdsays, at a time when I'm at choir practice, sadly. But luckily it's now also broadcast on sundays, though it's other episodes.).

- "esc(x) cot(x) dx = -csc(x)!" Dennis added, and the wizard's robe caught on fire. "Gosh," Dennis said, "and some people say higher math isn't relevant."

>>>Inventor of the Mail order-Assassin<<<

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