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Old 02-15-2004, 10:57 AM   #25
Sky Warrior Bob
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I really don't think saying that Brian & Gina are uninteresting characters, needs a spoiler space... But thanks for the Spoiler tip.

Anyway, yeah they are kinda flat, althought they do get a tad more interesting 5 minutes from the end, but still pretty flat. Of course, it does leave a bit more room for the, you are this character aspect of old Sierra titles. I mean, until the later games where the characters started speaking, having no personality could be attributed to pratically ever Sierra main character.

This is one of the reasons why Lucasarts made better titles. All the same, I think its up to personal preference, but not entirely getting to know my main character doesn't get under my skin as much as the next adventure gamer.

Sky Warrior Bob
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