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Old 02-13-2004, 10:51 AM   #43
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Originally posted by mycroft
By the way, in my opinion...for a band to survive solely on the revenue collected through tours and concerts, they must be significantly popular in the first place.
Well, they probably aren't doing concerts the way that a big name band like Metallica has concerts. But doing live entertainment on any scale, even if it is small gigs at various places, provides a steadier source of revenue than CD sales. A band has to have something to make a publisher want to sell their album in the first place, whether that is popularity, recognition, or just good old fashioned talent. It can be extremely difficult for most smaller bands to get their first CD.

Actually, the whole file sharing thing really helped a lot of smaller bands because people who wouldn't have heard their music before suddenly found out that they liked it and started going to their concerts.

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