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Old 10-07-2006, 03:08 AM   #12354
Lazy Bee
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Originally Posted by Giligan View Post
Correction: Irresponsible persons who have guns usually end up shooting the wrong person. Firearms are not the "evil, horrible killing machines" that most people believe them to be. They're like a hammer. Or a screwdriver. A tool is what guns are.

And, like with any tool, you can put it to the responsible, logical role it was meant for. Use it wrongly, and yes, someone might get wounded, or killed.
The way that too many irresponsible people have access to guns ending up killing innocent people makes me look at firearms as evil, horrible killing machines and not tools. (Jeez ) Right now I'm thinking about the last three incidents within one week in schools in the US: Platte Canyon Colorado, Cazenovia Wisconsin and the Amish school in Pennsylvania. I'd say you have a huge problem over there.
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