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Old 02-12-2004, 08:35 PM   #4
Crunchy in milk
delusions of adequacy
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Oh pull your thumbs out you PC fanbois, where does it say in the bible that 'if thy game is in third person it is for the benefit of the console users'...

Some of you are worse than console fanbois I swear.

Everyone clearly knows that the game is in third person because Jewish people prefer games in third person. Is this any more of an intelligent statement?

Somehow you reason games made for a person who's forked out $1500USD+ on a system that has them sitting hunched over in an office chair staring at a video screen 10 inches from their face while they clumsily navigate a keyboard and mouse interface in a darkened, smelly room : must be inherently designed for the more advanced mind. Whereas, despite evidence to the contrary (that the average console user is aged 18-25) a game that will play on a $170USD system on practically any TV and couch combination must be developed with the less intelligent/developed in mind.

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