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Old 02-12-2004, 03:10 PM   #16
The Dartmaster
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Originally Posted by Bastich
I know many people who DL the warez version to see if they like it and then go and buy the game. Especially nowadays, when demos often come after the release of the game.
I know more people who DL the warez version, rationalize it to themselves by saying "if I like it, I'll buy the game," and then end up either completing the warez version (for instance, because they like it so much and can't stop playing it) and then decide they don't need to buy it now that they've beat it, or get tired of it after playing like 3/4 of what is usually the full commercial game and decide they don't want it after all.

That said, I do understand where you're coming from in terms of downloading full games that don't have demos available. I've done it before myself, and trashed the game almost immediately because its crap, or bought the real game a few weeks later... but that said I think the group that actually does that is far more in the minority compared to the group that claims to do that and is just stealing. And in reality I think both those groups are in the minority compared to the amount of people who will flagrantly admit that they're straight out stealing a game.
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