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Old 02-12-2004, 12:06 PM   #3
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I am not in ANY way a supporter of piracy, but copyright infringement is such a petty crime compared to many other far worse crimes that have equal or lesser sentences. I would slap those guys on the wrist and save those prison cells for real criminals. This guy would have gotten off with a lighter punishment if he would have raped someone. In fact, if it wasn't premeditated, he would have had his life impacted less by murdering someone. The fines far outweigh the years in prison. Apparently, miniscule potential corporate profits are more important than human lives.

Maybe if these FBI agents were assigned to keeping known terrorists out of our country instead of hunting petty criminals like this down for corporations, there would be several thousand more people alive today.

This is just another example of how absolutely awful the US injustice system is, and the serious lack of priorities in this country. These guys are about as much of a threat to me as all the pot smokers sitting in jail right now...

Last edited by Bastich; 02-12-2004 at 12:17 PM.
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