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Old 09-24-2006, 11:39 AM   #77
Diva of Death
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Thankee for explaining for my laughing comments for me, Huz. Methinks ( ) that you folks need to drag Jackal and Jelena into the AG IRC channel at some point.

Anyhoo. I admit I tend to use "heh" a lot myself, just because I need to acknowledge I was paying attention to something someone said, but I don't have a "real" response to give.

For me, "ah" indicates understanding, "oh" indicates puzzlement, "hmm" indicates thinking, "mmm" indicates feeling displeased/disagreement, "hah" indicates amusement, etc. One starts running out of ideas for what to use for just a plain old short and completely neutral acknowledgement.

(Yes, I actually think about this sort of thing. I prefer to be as precise and consistent as possible in my use of language.)

As for text messaging... I just don't get it. If I wanted to talk to someone right away, I'd call them and talk to them. If they weren't available, I'd leave a message on their voicemail (let's face it, anyone who has SMS probably also has voicemail, at least with US cell phone packages). If it could wait before I contacted them, I'd write a proper e-mail or IM them.

I can't think of any situation where I'd want to send a cell phone text message that's short and expensive, and I have to type on a device not designed for it, and I likely won't have enough room to get my complete point across without resorting to abbreviations... yeah. But then, there's a LOT of popular stuff I just don't get because it just seems very impractical to me... *shrugs sheepishly*

Peace & Luv, Liz
Adventures in Roleplaying (Nov. 19):

"Maybe it's still in the Elemental Plane of Candy."
"Is the Elemental Plane of Candy anything like Willy Wonka's factory?"
"If it is, would that mean Oompa Loompas are Candy Elementals?"
"Actually, I'm thinking more like the Candyland board game. But, I like this idea better."
"I like the idea of Oompa Loompa Elementals."
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