Thread: Game interfaces
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Old 02-10-2004, 06:37 PM   #17
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I have been going to forums since they were invented, and in all those years I have NEVER been on a forum with people as argumentative as this one. I don't get in arguments anywhere else. Do you want to know why that is? It is because the other forums are occupied by adults who actually want to discuss things, not a bunch of people who view any outsider that doesn't conform to their views by continuously posting "me too" responses that fit in with their little clique as some sort of monster. Nope, anyone who doesn't agree with the status quo is some sort of infidel defiler, some intolerable blasphemer who should instantly be attacked by exploiting any available ambiguities in their dialogue.

This topic is the perfect example. Someone posted that they didn't like keyboard-only controlled games and everyone jumped all over her like she was some crazy freak deserving of institutionalization, de-programming, training and eventual brainwashing to conform to your standards. This happens every time someone says keyboard controls aren't good. Fairygodmother was the last victim.

There is, of course, no possibility that maybe the keyboard is less than an optimal interface design decision. It is always the player's fault. Developer errors are something to adapt to, not something to expect improvement on. God forbid that! Even FPSes have progressed almost completely off the keyboard since their inception for precision and ergonomic reasons. Why do you people support holding back such progression in other genres? A keyboard-only game is just ignorant at this point. Everything else has moved away from that as much as possible because it sucks. It shows disctinct lack of vision to not move beyond the keyboard at this point.

Getting back to my point, I posted in support that keyboards are ergonomically poor devices, and hence centering an entire game around it, when there are other better possibilities is a poor decision and the attack is on me. You see, on any other forum I visit, if people are unsure of what I am getting at, they probe me for more information. They are also actually interested in hearing opinions other than their own. Here is how this may have progressed in another forum:

Dialogue on forum X:

Bastich: ...ergonomically poor device... ...If it is made for keyboard only, it is already poorly designed from the start...

Respondent A: What aspects of the keyboard are you referring to in specific that are a problem, and how would you change the interface to improve them? Do you mean just using a mouse, a combination of mouse and keyboard, a gamepad, or even something completely different? Could you elaborate? How exactly would the player interact with the game using such methods? Thanks!

Compare that to what happens in this forum. You can see the difference, can't you? Here, every assumption imaginable is forced onto my statements, rather than further inquiries made upon them. Is it any surprise that there aren't a lot of older people who post frequently here, considering the treatment you give them.

You see, if some of you actually grew up and didn't see every differing opinion out there as a direct assault on your entire system of beliefs, actual discussions could take place instead of arguments. If I would have gotten the above response, we would be having a rational discussion on input devices. Instead, a bunch of childish people have turned this into a flame war by placing whatever meaning they want to on my statements for the express purpose of arguing. There is no desire for discussion at all. There is nothing inherently inflammatory about my statements. Only in your insecure interpretation of them. Grow up!
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