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Old 09-13-2006, 12:14 PM   #10846
Lazy Bee
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Sweden
Posts: 7,518

Originally Posted by stepurhan
Really? You would? That would be great!
Wow! I've got one person in the audience.

Can you give me some time to eat food with lots of additives and sugar so I'm in the right frame of mind to appreciate it?
Of course. Just nick some Kit Kats from Rob when he turns his head away and you'll be all set!

*ahem, ahem*Well it all starts with a bunch of different coloured papers of A4size. We all start by folding and cutting the blue paper into halves. Once you're finished you take out a red paper and fold and cut it into fourths (expr and sp for all the fractions?) Continue with new colours to make eightieth, sixteenths and 32ths.
Now you've got the equipment to play the fraction game.
Bring a dice with said fractions of instead of the usual digits 1-6. Play with a friend and both of you should have a white papwer of A4size in front of you.
Start by throwing the dice and see what fraction the dice shows you. Aha,
1/4. The you're allowed to take one of your red fourths and put that on top of your white paper. Your friends turn.....
The one who first covers the whole white paper with different fractions win!
Temporary guest in your life
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