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Old 09-10-2006, 04:08 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Melanie68
Stoofa, did you ever figure out who was doing this?
Nope, but the door has been locked to the furnace room for awhile now so no one can get in.

I suspect it was an irate tenant, someone in the building has been harrassing my landlord to get a different cable package. We keep getting apologetic e-mails from her about our basic cable. Like anyone cares but that tenant. Now we're getting switched to satellite because she still thinks that the cable company snuck into the (locked) building and cut the cables. That makes no sense to me. Whatever. Go satellite tv, I just hope they don't screw up the installation and we have no cable during the start of the new seasons.

AND (gossip gossip) I found out that this person who doesn't like the cable is the bum brother of a police officer who lives in the building. He just moved in this summer. This building has a quiet rule, which he breaks by having parties with total arseholes at 2 am. So my landlord is always on his ass, and we're always calling the police on him because his friends go out into the street and scream in the early morning hours. This guy lived in the apartment that has a fire escape down into my side of the basement, so he could have easily gotten down here. He and his sister (the police officer) have now moved to the other side of the building so he doesn't have access to the basement any longer. Thank God. He's the only person here who gives me the creeps.
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