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Old 08-31-2006, 07:47 AM   #83
Diva of Death
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Yep! That's my favorite tune from SQ4... though everybody seems to like the Format Countdown better. Hmmph. And thankee on the compliment... it was the first thing that popped into my head when I thought of what sound to use as the seperator.

So, we have:

#3 - Chrono Trigger Bike Race - Undeaf
#4 - QFG4 Fairy Queen Battle - Kurufinwe
#11 - Wing Commander Prophecy Theme - Huz
#12 - The Fight in SQ4 - ATMachine
#14 - KQ6 "Bad Wedding" Music - Kurufinwe

Some hints, then, maybe?

#1 is a clicky puzzly type game.
#2 is an 8-Bit island-hopping game. It'll help if you don't stick bananas in your ears before listening to it.
#5 and #6 are also 8-Bit.
#7 is kind of tricksy... it's not typical of the rest of the soundtrack (or really even is the main background music for that area of the game).
#8 is kind of repetitive, isn't it? Almost as if it were... skipping. Like it was... broken?
#9 and #10 are both RPGs. By the same company. In fact, I think they were even scored by the same guy. Not the same series, though.
#13 is actually a remix of the song, but the main motif is still intact.

Peace & Luv, Liz
Adventures in Roleplaying (Nov. 19):

"Maybe it's still in the Elemental Plane of Candy."
"Is the Elemental Plane of Candy anything like Willy Wonka's factory?"
"If it is, would that mean Oompa Loompas are Candy Elementals?"
"Actually, I'm thinking more like the Candyland board game. But, I like this idea better."
"I like the idea of Oompa Loompa Elementals."
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