Thread: 2 days to Vegas
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Old 08-29-2006, 05:25 AM   #1
Solid Snake
Slim Shady
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Default 2 days to Vegas

"Vinny has a problem…
He has just been released from Rickers prison after serving a three year stretch. Unfortunately, his dreams of the quiet life on the outside and seeing his girl didn't quite work out as planned…. His younger brother Tony has went and got himself into some serious trouble… "
"2 Days To Vegas" is a story driven 3rd person action-adventure game. The thrill-a-minute story is crammed full of car chases, shootouts and unexpected twists, to keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the game. The action is set in several major cities across the USA and takes place during an intense 48 hour period. This game has it all, a gripping story of contemporary gangster life combined with thrilling car chase action and an intense race against the clock."
From its screens, 2 days to Vegas looks like the ultimate GTA clone.There is some more info about the game at the following links,it's all in Russian though.
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