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Old 08-13-2006, 06:09 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by samIamsad
Didn't some of those bastards on call you a NOOOOOOOOOBB!!!1 for that kind of tactics? Sounds cool, though. So you didn't build a hero at all? Heheheh! Boy, I watched the replay of that last game. And boy, I don't think that French guy has really gotten a grasp of the game yet at all... I don't know how he ended up being at level 7 (or even winning a game at all!).

It's kind of funny that you can see the chatting stuff that was going on in a replay. Like, he attacked my base with 6 or seven ghouls, got his ass kicked by my ghost towers (I could've told him...) and was like: "YOU ARE NOT EASY". *giggles* Seemed to be a nice guy, though. There don't seem to be that many on (That's my impression so far, anyway).
Hey! I won quite a few battles in my time
I used heroes to defend my base, naturally, but generally I relied on many turrets with verious land units here and there for support.
Lovely partaaay.......pity I wasn't invited
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