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Old 07-24-2006, 07:46 AM   #207
Retired Buccaneer
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Now for the scores as I see them.

Day 6 max score: 3285
Day 6 min score: 435 - (50*N)

I gave the emerald to the Prior on Day 6, since giving it to the Abbot on Day 5 gives you 10 points for entering St. Mary's. As far as I know, there's no way to fail Day 6, short of getting killed, without retrieving the two scrolls and escaping the Monastery.

The "50 times N" refers to an interesting situation. When you go in the torture chamber and find Fulk strung up, you can leave the room and then reenter without letting him down first. Doing this (let's call it action N) gets you -50 points each time. You can do it repeatedly and keep losing points. I tried to see how much I could lose before the game counter broke, and gave up somewhere around -10000!

Day 7 max score: 3745 (or 3845 if you open the puzzle box on this day)
Day 7 min score: 845 - (50*N) (see above)

I don't think you can fail to show the scroll to Marian or meet the Green Man, and even if it were possible you'd then die on Day 9.

If anyone has corrections to these scores, or finds new ways to fail, please post them here.

Also, a quick comparison between some dialogue boxes in Christy Marx's Longbow files (on the left) and my copy (on the right):

I much prefer the colors in my copy.
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