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Old 07-10-2006, 09:14 AM   #62
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 302

Ok... I have a Gamecube and N64. And I have to say that ever since the release of the Gamecube, Nintendo has taken a childish turn. I'm NOT saying the games are bad. I have Wind Waker and it's a nice game (at best). But it looks childish. If you let a grown man play wind waker, he'd look GAY. It would be the same as a grown man watching "Power Rangers" or "Barney". If you've seen one car commercial where a fairy goes around and makes everything "cute"... And at the end she turns this guy "cute". His wearing pink shirt and walking 3 little dogs. If the picture was taken from a far... I'd say it was Paris Hilton. THAT'S HOW GAY HE WAS !!!! To see a man playing a game like Animal Crossing and Wind Waker will make him look as if he was a child. Neither games are bad. It's just tooo many colors are used (I've seen less colors on the "Gay Pride's Day" parade ). The game doesn't seem real at all. The head of the main character in Aminal Crossing looks like melon. Not to even mention the animals in the village. It's just childish....

Now to the people that say "If you aren't in knee-deep gore, the game is childish".... First off... The game called "Syberia" has NO killing, NO shooting, No blood, NO hitting, No fighting, No violence, No nudity, and NOT even one bad word. Yet the game is just GREAT. It's SUPER great, one of the greatest games EVER. It's for everyone. But it's NOT childish, why ? No stuffed animal characters and no pinkish gay colors !!! It's just a real life game. Another game that isn't very violent but is GREAT, is Oddworld and Jet set Radio.... both are GREAT games... just no violence and killing. JSR even has alot of colors and wierd characters... but a nice game, no pink. So are games like Myst and Shenmue !!!! Just GREAT games, without alot of violence.... If you look at Ocarina of Time, and compare it to the Wind Waker... Both are rated "E" for everyone, both have around the same amount of killing/fighting, both are made by the same company, both have the same characters, both no blood... Yet one looks childish, guess which one ? And guess why ? I'll give you a hint... Gay colors.

Speaking of Ocarina of Time... Who EVER says he/she doesn't like Zelda... You haven't lived til you've play Ocarina of Time !!!!! THE GREATEST GAME EVER MADE !!! EVER !!! Just GREAT !!!! Breath-takingly GREAT !!!! The greatest game ever made !!!! Every character and every house and ever word said, is just GREAT !!! GREAT.... Yet it didn't have the colorful world of Wind waker, so even if a man plays it. He doesn't appear as if he was a kid.

After saying this.... I have one more thing to add.... BRING CARROT TOP ON !!! WOW !!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH... GO carrot top !!! You rock !!! If Nintendo made a game about Carrot top in hell "attacking" people... THAT would be the greatest game EVER !!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHA.... Than I'd buy the Wii... Until than... I'm waiting to see what console has the most point and click games. Which ever one does... I'm getting it.
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