Thread: Atmosphere
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Old 06-27-2006, 03:37 AM   #6
Magic Wand Waver
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Originally Posted by Sage
The wind blew hard across the beach, carrying with it the salty tang of the Atlantic mingled with the rich, slightly fetid smell of low tide. Loose grains of sand appeared to run before the wind's onslaught, forming rills and patterns like those found on the bed of a fast moving stream. Where the sand was blown into the fast-shrinking tidal pools, it floated briefly on the surface giving the pools the appearance of frosted glass at their edges.
Although the sun shone brightly from the cloudless sky above, the wind was cold and relentless. The few strollers on the beach were bundled against it, with only the smallest possible areas of skin exposed as they hurriedly completed their daily seaside constitutionals, bent and uncommunicative to any passerby they might meet.
In the lee of a sand dune hollowed out by the erosion of a recent spring tide, I sat protected from the wind in a small pocket of warm still air. I watched as the sand blew over my head to land at my feet and resume it's wind-driven voyage into the bay. I saw a few stray gulls hang motionless in the wind above me, their sharp eyes ever alert for a stranded fish or stray tidbit to nibble on, but even they couldn't stand the wind for long and soon landed on the hard sand to stand one-legged and rest for a while.
I have seen that view so many times - not from the lee of a sand dune, since the beach I was on didn't have dunes, but from the lee of a seawall. The only one thing that was missing from my vision and not in yours was the stray dog, running gleefully, face to the wind, soaring in exuberance at the freedom he felt, never sensing the cold. He brought smiles to the faces of the passersby, if only briefly, before they continued on their way.

Please, please, my dear friend, Scott - please make time in your life to write. The world needs to know the beauty you see, and so eloquently describe. There are so few who possess such talent.

Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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