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Old 06-16-2006, 09:26 AM   #51
Evil Incarnate
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[EDIT: Shit! Spoilers below!]

I'll post a small review I did on another site, and Panthera, this movie was the shortest of the three. Way shorter than 2, and about tied with the first I think. Personally, I think it should have been structured totally different, it was so extremely straight-forward that, as you say, it affected, among other things, character development.

Don't listen to all the whiners in this thread.
Right. Mock people who hasn't got the same opinion as you. That's clever.

Anyways, heres my mini-review from another forum. I have written better/longer reviews, but they are in Norwegian, and I'm too lazy to translate.

Well, imho, it sucked. A let down for sure.

The first half of the movie was pretty good, but then it turned into shite. Pure and utter.

Brett Ratner can go back to directing Rush Hour, he has no business doing comic-adaptations if he can't take them seriously (which he obviously don't). Terrible one-liners and a story that begs someone with more than two braincells to do some rewrites.

I'm sorry, but the only thing remotely good about this flick was some of the action-scenes (when not riddled with idiotic one-liners), and some of the design choices of the new characters (along with the casting). The Wolverine-fights were impotent (in comparison to X2), and some of the best stand-offs were missing (the Iceman vs. Pyro fight was pretty much shite), where was Juggernaut vs. Collossus?

In addition the story was so straight-forward it made me cringe. If someone can make a story more predictable, please tell me, I would very much like to give you a prize. The ending was silly, and don't get me started on all the silly meta-aspects Ratner was trying to incorporate. He took a rather brisk approach to the adaptation process (with some success I might add), but it wasn't consistent enough, and therefore it failed miserably. (I'm talking about the archtypical frames you find in comic books; the scene where the camera zooms in on the president, and he almost adresses the camera; Wolverine with his "Noooooo", among others.)

When all I can think about during the screening is "why didn't he do it this way", "why didn't he change that", there is something seriously wrong. I'm not _that_ good at making movies, but I sure as hell would have kicked Ratners ass.

If there's a X4 (likely after the box-office records this incarnation grabbed), please GOD, or someone who has the power to change things, don't let Ratner get another chance. Bryan Singer, I want you BACK!
"When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before."

Last edited by Melkor; 06-16-2006 at 09:40 AM.
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