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Old 05-09-2006, 08:01 PM   #27
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Sam Suede: Undercover Exposure Revealed

In a press event held earlier today, a new PC-console title called Sam Suede: Undercover Exposure was officially revealed. This title marks the return of Leisure Suit Larry creator Al Lowe to the gaming industry after an absense of several years. Lowe is the co-founder of the new iBase Entertainment, a new Seattle based development studio that is working on the game for release in 2007. The press event showed some early gameplay footage which showed off lead character Sam Suede as he attends a mystery camp on a tropical island. The game aims to be an action comedy and the gameplay trailer reflected that with Sam giving a man a wedgie, dressing up as a French maid and moving underneath a table which has a number of swimsuit contestants. However it looks like this game is looking to go for a "T" rating rather than the "R" that the Larry games had. The graphics have a cartoony look but are in full 3D and look very promising. Lowe said that he was aiming to try something different than the norm and we will learn more about how he will do that with this game in the near future.
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