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Old 05-03-2006, 11:13 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by Jackal
It remains to be seen whether either game is commercially successful, relative to its overall budget. Selling more copies alone does not mean more successful.
Jackal that is true but the last thing I've heard from the Cage camp was that Fahrenheit sold quiet well and that they were satisfied with sales although more sales wouldn't hurt them. I don't know about Dreamfall yet but the fact that keeps popping on retailers top 10s is a good sign. Let's hope it does well, I don't think there is anyone out there that wouldn’t like to get his hands on Dreamfall 2.

Originally Posted by Jackal
You may want to just ignore other successful genres that also use point and click because it doesn't suit your theory
I don't ignore them. RTS sell and sell well; adventures don't... so why would I moan about p&c in strategy games? Their doing fine and everybody is happy. So there is no need to change things radically. Adventures are a declining market. Some people can play their Scratches games and be proud about it. Well Scratches and the like maybe nice tries but production values are very low. I do not want AGs to fall into this category and quality degrading gradually. I would like to see more AAA titles and in my humble opinion one of the first things developers should ditch is the p&c interface and every thing connected to it.

Originally Posted by Jackal
BTW, consoles are irrelevant to this discussion. I think it's pretty safe to say that point and click is not very popular on systems that don't (or only marginally) allow for it. I can't imagine keyboard controls are all that popular with console gamers, either.
Exactly So implement properly direct control and leave p&c for RTS. Fahrenheit proved that an adventure can win console users and Dreamfall follows the same root. Why leave a huge market as the console market out just because the p&c interface is virtually unusable with a gamepad?
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