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Old 04-28-2006, 01:39 AM   #71
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It just seems like a cheesy attempt to be Apple. It feels like a name created by a large committee (probably because that's exactly what happened, as Game Informer has an interview about it) and it seems as though it was both overworked and underthought.

Nintendo has also been comparing it to Napster, Google and Yahoo for names that sound stupid but worked. What they seem to forget is that they all started as tiny projects that worked their way up, so people gradually got used to it and by the time they reached the masses, there was already a substantial following to lend them credibility. Wii has just been sprung on absolutely everyone from left field.

It also just sounds weird as a product name. "Wii" has no hard sounds at all and is very short, making it seem weak and wispy. The fact that it's also pronounced the same as an extremely common word (which isn't a noun) doesn't help matters either. "I want to buy a Wii" just sounds bizarre because it in no way resembles how "we" sounds like it should be used. Names like Xbox and Playstation were lame when we first heard them, but they never sounded awkward when used in a sentence and that's a hurdle this is going to have to overcome.

I'm not saying they should have stuck with the Revolution, and I fully support more interesting console names. But this one sucks.
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