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Old 04-25-2006, 11:08 AM   #48
Lazy Bee
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Originally Posted by Thrift Store Scott
We call that "having a crook in his neck". I used to get those when I was his age. Basically, they're a cramp that comes from sleeping in an odd position all night.
As with all muscle cramps, circulation and potassium are the keys to getting him over it. He should drink orange juice and eat bananas for the potassium, and take a long hot shower with the water jet aimed right at his neck to increase the circulation in that area. If you have a massaging shower head, so much the better.
I hope Johan gets to feeling better very soon.
Thanks for the advice. He is gradually getting better. He´s now up and is also able to turn his head straight forward and a little bit to the left. I´ll be taking him to a naprapath tomorrow if it still is the same as today.
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