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Old 04-17-2006, 04:00 PM   #9
Sierra Junkie
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I don't like how they make everything so painfully obvious instead of letting YOU figure out what needs to be done. Is this affected by difficulty? I skipped the training because they commited a bad fault - not allowing me to jump ahead when I've 'got it'. I pulled out the tool before I needed to and tried to pickup the hair and it was no dice, but 20 seconds later I'm told to pick it up and it lets I figured I would just learn it as I went.

The characters need more feeling in my opinion, the ones I met were stone faced and put little effort, while that guys room-mate went overboard AND under in different scenarios. Why isn't anyone refusing co-operation? A staple in these 'Who-dunnit' games in my eyes, otherwise I will guess the criminal before I even get there.

Originally Posted by AFGNCAAP
But the demo convinced me this game is not for me. I wouldn't mind the led-by-the-hand feeling that much - I'd just set my mind to playing out a CSI episode
Except the show is far more interesting and in depth than this game. Where the show is a drama, this seems to be just techniques and 'by the book' investigation.

PS - Where is the theme song? Whooooo are you....

Last edited by avatar_58; 04-17-2006 at 04:06 PM.
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