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Old 04-17-2006, 12:05 AM   #11
Sierra Junkie
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Originally Posted by tabacco
Erm... for people who don't actually know how to use DOS (either by way of being Mac people, or not owning a computer until recently, or something), DOSBox is pretty intimidating. Don't assume that everyone knows how to do everything you do.
No offense, but if you can't understand simple dos commands then I don't get how you even know about the oldies, let alone WANT to run them. However I agree that D-fend is god send for those who need it (or want it).

I personally find Dosbox to be very user friendly, and if you have issues you ask about it here where people like myself will answer in easy to read answers. Not so intimidating once you get to know it, like any program. Its a hell of a lot easier than having to setup 10 different computers for each age of dos game, thats for sure.

D-fend can come in handy even for those of us with experience, as it makes installing and configuring them so simple a complete dos newbie could do it.....and convenient enough to make it painless. I have over 400+ games setup in D-fend each with working configs and thats what I call convenient.
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