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Old 03-12-2006, 05:34 AM   #63
The Avatar
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Default Wonderful Game!

Hi there! I downloaded the game a week ago, and finished it that night.. It was very good! I really thought all the puzzles were well thought out, and fun to solve! I'm just so happy I was able to finish the whole thing without any help! I got stuck briefly (for a couple minutes) at a few places, but once I realized there weren't any deadends, I gained the confidence to plug away and figure them all out! Terrific adventure.

The only gripe I have is just a personal pride issue, because you had a way to get around it in the game:

How did the words OPEN + NOW = MAGIC make that number for the lever?? I tried all sorts of coding, using the clue "oh = 9", but nothing came up with the numbers that were the answer Gurra gives you!

Someone mentioned that there are items you never use.. i recall one:
The flag from the peak of the mountain.
any reason for it?

Also.. something I didn't discover until the second time playing it:

I really enjoyed turning into a bunny! hehe awesome.
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