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Old 02-25-2006, 10:13 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Thrift Store Scott
I personally like really large American cars, but a lot of people don't. The two best-selling cars in the US are the Toyota Camry and Honda Accord, but the best-selling vehicle here is still the Ford F-150. Of course, I harbor a secret desire to own a Mazda (MX-5) Miata, so nothing's carved in stone.
I have a soft spot for some of the larger (muscle) cars, but to be honest I loathe most of them, mainly due to clumsy/bulky looking design, and the fact most of them do like 10 miles/gallon without making up for it in horsepower or torque. The ones that do, however, I most likely love There's no way I'd ever buy one though, mainly because it's just not practical here, with fuel being like ten times more expensive as in the US, relatively small parking spaces and virtually no availability. One guy who lives on my block has one though, but it's a reaaaalllly ugly looking gold-ish old cadillac that takes up like two and a half parking spaces. I get the impression he wanted to revive the car, but never got around to it - the upholstery is non-existant (more foam than leather), it's full of scratches and rusty spots, the rims are so black they look like they're made of charcoal and the engine makes a hellish noise that usually wakes up the entire neighbourhood at night. He doesn't use it that often, so when he parks it everyone knows those two and a half spaces will be taken for weeks (sometimes months) at a time. For me that sort of killed the charm I once considered American cars to have. Well, that and the fact that the 'classics' usually go pretty fast in a straight line, but not at all in corners Who knows though, perhaps I might one day buy one of those crazy things and get all of it redone by one of those UK or European car shops that take out everything and replace it with modern state of the art parts The Mazda idea, I can't argue with that, awesome car, just like (but better than) the S2000 - Although I'll take your Miata, and raise you a Skyline Who wouldn't want to tune that to insanity and beyond
Originally Posted by Thrift Store Scott
Not necessarily. Something like that might be commonplace in other parts of the country, just not down here or in California.
Alright, though if I remember correctly now I think I got that from a movie - not the most reliable of sources.
Originally Posted by Thrift Store Scott
No need to apologize. I can't tell you how nice it is to have a fellow car nut on this forum. Be careful about getting me started talking cars, as I'll bore the socks off of anyone within earshot.
Same here Though I must add I'm quite fond of using a bike (as in bicycle) too, it's the most sensible mode of transportation in Amsterdam, and everything takes about twice as long by car. OT: I really hated it when 40 Year Old Virgin (the movie) made it sound like only children and crazy people use bicycles - that definately doesn't help with changing attitudes about 'greener' alternatives in the US (though I do realise the distances are far greater than over here). But that aside, let's talk cars Which have you owned?
Originally Posted by Melanie68
In drivers ed, I was trained on an automatic. After I got my license, my dad taught me how to drive a stick. I actually learned on a Maverick which has the stick shift on the column. I love it and prefer them. They are actually a tad better if you go downhill a lot (although they are a killer if you are in San Fran and need to start going up a hill at a stop light - nerve wracking!). When you go down, you pick up a lot of speed and you have more down gears to shift into to prevent using your brakes as much.
That too, totally forgot to mention that. I think manuals last a lot longer with their brake discs/drums
Originally Posted by Melanie68
Scott - why not start a car thread? You and jjacob can't be the only people here who want to talk about them.

And the ignorant masses (me esp.) would learn something.
Great idea! Though I'll let him do it, me being lazy and all
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