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Old 02-25-2006, 09:11 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by jjacob
I know animal testing is a necessary evil for many new (sometimes important) drugs and treatments, but at the same time I think companies and colleges can go way too far with it. There are reports monthly about unnecessary animal cruelty in labs (as in, neglecting the animals after they've outlived their use, or setting them free to die a slow and miserable death). Plus I think there ought to be strict laws about this sort of thing, preventing cosmetics companies to make use of animals for testing their products (coincedentally, that's also where the majority of the unnecessary cruelty is reported to take place), as they're are perfect alternatives to animals for testing something unessential as cosmetics.
There are supposed to be regulatory bodies that watch over that sort of thing, but they're often lax. It's the same with testing on human subjects. If you want your blood to run cold read up on ethics and human testing and research ethics boards.

I think pet stores need to be regulated, too. That's where a lot of animal cruelty (usually though neglect) takes place and people either don't notice or don't care. Hundreds of fish crammed into a tiny aquarium, puppies sitting in their own waste, kittens with their jaws caught in their collars, birds so cold they're infuriates me. I think people should need to apply for a license before they can own or sell a pet. Hmph. I don't care if it's a goldfish, you treat animals with respect.
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