Thread: 22nd Amendment
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Old 02-23-2006, 11:36 AM   #12
Fire Dragon/Pisces
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Probably it is not Bush who should reign over the US but the fact that some "reforms" are on the way just proves a theory I believe in. My studies in political philosophy and history plus a basic course in sociology tell me that the so-called "democracies" of the western world are in crisis and they will crumble, one by one like ancient city states. I said so-called because we all know that "democracy" like "communism" never existed, it never can. It is just a concept. Equality (in rights) was a luxury in ancient city states, sustained by the blood of slaves. But even then it had its flaws; elections were almost always corrupted by the prestigious families. Now the situation is much worse because politicians don't not only get corrupted, they also bring the most important decisions QT, secretly, classified/sealed for a 100 years etc. Politicians keep the populace in ignorance with a good reason; all the principles of "democracy" are violated when the US goes to war to occupy strategic oil fields and the roads leading to them (->Afghanistan) because they know that riots or even a civil war would break out at home if oil ran out. Remember that mini oil crisis not so long ago? On the THIRD DAY, shotguns and automatas were drawn at many gas stations when people began to panic! ON THE THIRD DAY! So... all I want to say is that harsh times are coming and a dictator or king (in theory, if he is adept enough) is much more suited to uphold order with an iron fist than a chain of rivalling beaurocracts. It is enough to read one pivotal book; Aristotle's Politics to realize that there is really nothing new under the Sun.(esp. the treatise on ideal governmental forms in different situations)
Economically (and IMHO morally, too), the west is on a swift decline and to hold strategic positions, the individual must be subjugated to stronger central power/authority. That's why Bush's side is so strong. He is the man to bring the unpopular (but at the same time secretly coveted) decisions.
Ita in vita ut in lusu alae pessima iactura arte corrigenda est.
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