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Old 12-23-2003, 08:10 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by AFGNCAAP
It seems as you pretty much figured everything out. With the things like the angel, there's no need for us to be that specific - it can have a bunch of different meanings.
The wife? Dead? Isn't she greeting him in the final scene? When exactly was there the flashback with a skull?
His memories come back slowly a bit everytime, each time he remembers more and more... Like when you talk to the plant kids you don't remember your name till the 3rd flashback....
Well I remember I saw a flashback of his wedding (called wedding part 1 in the cinematics menu) in the pumpking level I think, just before the memory fades away and you see the bride lift the veil, you can see a skull for a second.... But maybe it has something to do with the "to death do us part" thing? On the 2nd wedding flashback (in the circus, I think) you see her face.... Which reminds me, why on Earth is Max letting his subconcious get away with the fact his "wife" is going to go out with the strong man of the circus, he even encourages her! Maybe he wants her to be happy no matter what, beacuse he thinks he might not make it back?

I know Grimwall was Max's hero as a kid, but I wasn't sure what his level represnted, I tought it was betrayal and it seems I was right...
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