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Old 01-18-2006, 12:03 PM   #61
TangentBlack's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 300

Once upon a time, Lucas Arts mastered the Adventure Game. Not only did they create the most memorable moments of all time, but they did it consistantly. Undoubtably, LucasArts became famous with the creation of Star Wars games, and on an equal level, set a bar for adventure games forever. Unfortunatly, LucasArts ceased its creation of such after Schaefer and Walbeck decided that they had had enough with the endless complaints LucasArts had with the pace in which they created games. The garbage that flows from the company now only is themed Star Wars, milking the franchise without giving any of the games time to breath. There are some that are a success but they are far and few. For us adventure gamers, we have to wait for another powerhouse to climb out of the woodwork and make games like we knew them before, when plot, characters, and setting came together in masterful arts we know as GF, MI, Full Throttle, S&M, and others. This website does a better job than any others I have visited in giving us the most up to date info on upcoming games. I have created a list of games that has gotten larger and larger because of the magnitude of prospects appearing. Here's what I have got:

Runaway 2 - 2Q 2005

Dreamfall - spring 2006

Rumored "Beneath A Steel Sky 2" - 2006?

A Vampyre Story- June 2006

City of Metronome - 2006

Saphire Claw - 2Q 2006

Tough Tony - 1Q 2006

Project Overclocked- ??

Evenings On A Farm Near Dikanka- 2Q 2006


Culpa Innata- 2006

Simon The Sorcerer 4- 2006

Ankh- Febuary, 2006

Theseis- 2006

The Silver Lining (KQ Fan Game)- 2006-07

Who knows, maybe one of these games will make its way to the top. I hope so, but until then, we have something to look forward to.

Forgot Sam & Max 2- 2006-07.

Last edited by Dale Baldwin; 01-18-2006 at 12:26 PM.
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