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Old 01-11-2006, 12:32 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by SamNMax
"Before we find world peace, we gotta find peace and end the war in the streets"

Like that actually applies to these little bastards.

I think this is just a stupid little fight between two extremly inane culture fads and police need to teach these little punks who think they have something to prove a lesson. And anyone who actually get attacked by these little shits needs to have some form protection with them at all times and use it any times necessary.
Cops cant do anything because guns are banned in the UK, but thats a different subject. I mean kids here mock the police and just run off, they cant catch them because the policemen here are chubby and look like they are street sweepers. I mean the only defence a cop in the UK would have is a little stick and some pepper spray.

"If you don't get out of the box you've been raised in, you won't understand how much bigger the world is." - Angelina Jolie


<Susan falls through the floor and gets stuck>
<Paco looks at her blankly>
"Whats wrong with you?! Lassy would of had a firetruck here by now!"
- Susan Mayer, Desperate Housewives
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