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Old 12-14-2003, 09:17 AM   #15
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Dom's right, the Coalitions will use Saddams capture to claim some sort of Victory, which it is for the Iraqi people of course, but the Bush (in particular with 11 months to elections) and Blair administrations will undoubtedly use the capture only for their own political means.

Another disgusting aspect of how the Coalition, led by the Bush administration, is manipulating the whole Iraq situation is in their handling of commercial contracts - allowing only those that helped financially or militarily to bid for them. This is all about profit for those who helped.

I thought we were told the liberation was all done for the freedom of the Iraqi people - that's why the US and others commited money and troops - not to make a profit out of the country at the cost of the populace. Clearly this wasn't the case - just as many suspected.

Just as the sanctions imposed on Iraq affected those most vunerable, I suspect future commercial decisions will do much the same and in the process a small minority of Iraqis and foreigners will bleed the country dry. Money and power corrupts and at this very moment there is plenty of both up for grabs within Iraq.
"Of please! Looking at how sexy, beautiful, and womanly meg is, why the hell
would anyone need Viagra?" - Intrepid Homosapiens sapiens (made her Valentines Day btw - you big romantic, Trep.)
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