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Old 01-08-2006, 11:14 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by RLacey
feeding the arm to the croc

I agree, it was actually hinted; I just wasn't thinking correctly at the time. Actually, part of it was hinted (the alteration of the object), but not specifically what should be done with it.

Either way, I didn't think that this demo was too bad. If it gets a good review then I may well go for this.
I thought the demo was ok, more of a graphics showcase if you ask me. Pitty it wont be released in a collectors edition with 100 floppy disks and a nice thic manual with stickers, posters, postcards, strategy guide, artwork and a keyring.

Or is that just wishful thinking? lol.

"If you don't get out of the box you've been raised in, you won't understand how much bigger the world is." - Angelina Jolie


<Susan falls through the floor and gets stuck>
<Paco looks at her blankly>
"Whats wrong with you?! Lassy would of had a firetruck here by now!"
- Susan Mayer, Desperate Housewives
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