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Old 12-22-2005, 12:56 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Once A Villain
Please do. Also, it should be said that Crouching Tiger has far less "trite dialogue" than most wuxia. I don't mind flying people, or people screaming out, "Flying Lion Dragon Rhino Stance!"...I can accept it as part of the genre. However, a lot of wuxia suffers from cheesy material. Crouching Tiger, when you watch it all the way through, is much better than most wuxia. Hero, by Zhang Yimou, is as well. House of Flying Daggers...not so much. Ashes of Time is pretty cool. And so on and so forth...
Ashes of Time is obscure as hell, but yes, it's really cool.
And Hero is very conventional, but elegant, so I liked it.

Crouching Tiger, I don't know, it wasn't just the flying, it was also that I didn't find it all very interesting... be it the characters, the story, or even the overabundance of prettiness.

And I got House of Flaying Daggers in DVD (got it for my birthday), but I still need to watch it.

Oh, and 7 swords is really bad, too.
...It's down there somewhere. Let me have another look.
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