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Old 12-11-2005, 06:34 AM   #48
Mrs. Bear
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I don't know too much about the gaming industry, but this looks to be a win-win all the way around. Vivendi gets much publicity for it's upcoming compiliations and future games, with minimal work. And they get to look like a company that cares about it's customers all at the same time.

For the Silver Lining and its creators, obviously the game is a quality piece of work, otherwise Vivendi wouldn't have given it the greenlight, and the game and it's developers have gotten a ton more publicity openly then they would have if they had choosen to fly under the radar and tried to get the game released secretly.

As for us the gamers, well we get a quality product made by people who truly loved what they were doing and put their blood, sweat and tears into it.

Kudos Cesar and team for taking the big risk and achieving the big reward!
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George Bernard Shaw
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