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Old 10-03-2005, 03:45 AM   #23
Beyond Belief
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Wait, I'm not allowed to criticize a game without creating one of my own?
You don't think I'm qualified enough to voice my opinion on this game?
What makes your opinion valid, where's your game, does your perspective magically reverse when you're kissing ass?

Even the reviews that give high scores say the controls are terrible, the gameplay is repetitive, camera control is poor etc... I never said the graphics, sound, and style, were BAD. Might have complimented those a little.

I thought the story was bad, characters dull, and didn't see anything very original in there at all.

I'm getting tired of people citing how great the game is, but not why, can't really say I'm a fan of the pacing (probably because in the end third), but I understand that point, also I mentioned that the storytelling was good, in the beginning of the game. Hell, when you're not meant to know that much about the characters, it's promising, but they don't grow. So far only Trep and SJH have had something to say on why they like the game, instead of stating it's great. If I made my inital post "This game is crap." then that wouldn't do my opinion, or the game, justice. I didn't really say much about the story, because I wanted this thread to be spoiler free.

Last edited by Aj_; 10-03-2005 at 06:09 AM.
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