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Old 10-03-2005, 03:15 AM   #22
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And that can only be a good thing. Farenheit is an exciting and interesting experiment, which is better than most experiments.
I agree with you completely! Nice to know there are some objective people out there who look at things logically and not with complete bias. Were there things that could be improved? Certainly. Was it a great game and rather innovative when compared to the current offerings? Absolutely (though the greatness is up to ones personal opinion). Is this a game for everyone? Of course not. What game is?

One thing people need to understand is that just because thousands of people love a game, does not mean that you will. For instance, I hate Myst game and all games like it. Bore the hell out of me. And yet that game was HUGE and tons of people LOVED it. Do I bitch about the game because of that? No!

Also, I'm getting really tired of people talking like they know so much better about every aspect of games than those out there making them, like Cage. I mean c'mon people, if you're so knowledgeable and could do so much better, then DO IT! Get out there and make a game that proves it. Otherwise, shut your pie holes, take the game for what it is, and if you don't like it, fine, move on! But accept the fact that the game has sold hundreds of thousands of copies (so Cage tells us) and that its success is going to spawn more of the same which we can only hope are as good if not better than the original.

We all know the game is not completely perfect. What is important is that Cage knows it and knows things to work on. I just wish people would stop with the postings about the games flaws. Whatever, its been said, no one really cares about yet another person's opinions on what was wrong with the game and what could be done better.
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