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Old 09-30-2005, 07:09 PM   #1
Hopeful skeptic
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Default Major Hype-o-Meter Overhaul: 09/30

We interrupt your regularly scheduled (former) LucasArts programming for the following Hype-o-Meter announcement, brought to you by the non-partisan staff of Adventure Gamers...


Steady yourself... sit down if you must. There's not a single game on the new list being developed by LEC alum (we'll turn a blind eye to Telltale's consultancy on Ankh... shhh). Sob into your pillows all you want, but it's true. Are we crazy?! Are we mad?! Completely lost our minds?? Heck n... well, yes, but that's beside the point. As always, there is sound reasoning behind our decisions, as controversial as they may be. We only had to flip the coin nine times!

Seriously, though, this was the most difficult H-o-M list to make in quite some time. With the departure of three juggernauts (Fahrenheit, Myst V, and Out from Boneville) leaving giant, gaping holes, the list was due for a pretty significant makeover already. But once we got going, we recognized the need for some legitimate reconstructive surgery. So we put the patient under and operated. This explains the lengthy delay in updating, as the early results weren't very pretty. But now the bandages are off, the bruising has disappeared, and we present to you... the new Hype-o-Meter!


1. Dreamfall After slumming it in the dark, dank nether regions of the #2 slot for a few weeks, Dreamfall is back atop its lofty perch none the worse for wear. The same can't quite be said for fans, though, as news of the release slipping to next spring has left eager gamers pondering the unfairness of life. They'll survive, though, because there are lots of great games coming before then. Such as...

2. Sam & Ma... Paradise Despite some rather threatening overtures from the African country of Maurania if we granted Paradise the #2 slot, we're defiantly giving the nod to Benoit Sokal's upcoming adventure. Yeah yeah, we know not everyone loved Syberia. In fact, it's become fashionable lately to bash it as pretty much the worst thing since head cheese. But for many thousands of people (you know who you are), Paradise is far and away the most highly-anticipated classic-styled adventure on the horizon. Also, two words: black panther. This guarantees a certain amount of innate coolness. Jumps the three slots vacated by the September releases.

3. Broken Sword 4 Also leaping three spots is the latest 3D installment in the now-ongoing saga of George and Nico. We'd rather not hype a game we know so little about, but, c'mon... It's Broken Sword, and we're stoked. The first person to say the word "crates" gets electro-shocked through cyberspace.

4. Sam & ... 80 Days With its free-roaming movement, impressive graphics, wacky Verne-inspired storyline, and an experienced developer that improves with each new offering, 80 Days may not be generating the buzz of Dreamfall, but it's pushing boundaries and may very well become the standard bearer for real-time 3D adventures when it lands in a month or so. If it lives up to its promise, the bandwagon is going to get crowded, so reserve your seat today.

5. And Then There Were None After a few-month hiatus from the H-o-M, ATTWN returns to the list with a vengeance (and a motive, and a murder weapon). We're as excited as ever that this Agatha Christie classic is now being adapted as an adventure game, and the more we hear of the game (such as our recent interview), the more we're sure that the developers aren't simply resting on the license's laurels. With clever tweaks to Christie's story and small innovations to traditional gameplay, this game may very well have crossover appeal that lures current non-gamers into the fold.

6. Sam... Runaway 2 Just because. Go play the first one, and then you'll know why (even if you disagree). Still no word on an English publisher, but it'll definitely happen. You can quote me on that. It's spelled E-v-a-n--D-i-c... whoops, never mind. Forget the quote. It'll still happen, though.

7. Keepsake Score one for the underdog!! A staff favourite since our first look, we've been reluctant to include the game on the H-o-M while publishing was still a major uncertainty. It's a concern no more, however, as the game has been picked up for many European territories. That includes the UK, though we English speakers will need to wait until next February to get our hands on the game. We expect it to be worth the wait, though. Keepsake's fantasy setting looks wonderful and should be a welcome change from its genre contemporaries. Also, two more words: wolf companion. Gotta love the awesome animal sidekicks!

8. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Betcha didn't see THIS one coming! That's because it's small. Nintendo DS small. That's right, PC snobs... AG is an equal Hype-o-rtunity employer, with no regard for platform. Adventure is adventure, and this quirky-looking anime courtroom drama from Capcom looks like just the right combination of fun, challenge, and overall weirdness (I say that affectionately) to make us eagerly await its release next month.

9. Sa... Ankh The underdog strikes again! I'm pretty sure I'm on record somewhere for saying I'd rather jab dull, rusty instruments into my eyes than play another adventure set in Egypt, but it's impossible not to be impressed by this fabulous looking 3D comic adventure from German developer Deck 13. Ever since our first hand experience at E3, this game has reminded us of the great LucasArts games of yesteryear. (What! That doesn't count -- I only said "like" LucasArts, geez!) In any case, be sure to check out the new Ankh website if you aren't up to speed on this potential sleeper hit.

10. Tony Tough 2 At long last, poor Tony is getting some H-o-M love. He's been patiently biding his time with his pet thingamajigger Pantagruel; never overlooked, but never making the grade. But now it's time for Tony to have his day in the New Mexico desert sun, having won us over with a unique art style and offbeat humour. The game also marks the first worldwide release from ANACONDA, the newly-formed dtp label, and we're thrilled to have another publishing presence emerge onto the scene.


So that's the new-look Hype-o-Meter. Whew!! But explaining what IS there was the easy part. Now for what ISN'T there, which is undoubtedly causing some overzealous fans major conniptions at the moment. Believe me when I say that removing the following games from a larger list felt a lot like yanking off band-aids -- some slow, some fast, but all freakin' painful. So let's get down to it, starting with the LucasArts connection, as it's hard to hear over the commotion...

Sam & Max!!! You may have noticed my subconscious trying to impose the beloved duo on the list anyway, but for now they stay off. Now, relax. As soon as there's an actual project announced, it'll take up a permanent residence high on the list. But there's not a lot of point in rushing "Sam & Max: The Acquired License" onto the Hype-o-Meter. Once it becomes "Sam & Max: A Little Sump'm Sump'm", on it goes. Patience, young padawans.

Bone: Episode 2 Telltale's episodic adventure is now a reality, but its debut has left a certain degree of... guarded optimism about further installments. Though generally well-received, many fans seem more cautious about the series, with concerns about the length and substance of episode 2. But fans being the fickle creatures that they are, this will probably change once actual details of part 2 start trickling in. For now, though, reputation alone wasn't enough to crack the top 10.

A Vampyre Story Yes, it finally happened. Inactivity has forced AVS off the list. It shouldn't even NEED to be said how much we want to see this game get made, but it just no longer seems fair to reserve an H-o-M slot for games not in full-scale production. This also applies to...

Juniper Crescent: The Sapphire Claw Another game we desperately want to find publisher backing to move forward. Until it does, though, consider it on the "H-o-M Honourable Mention" list, because it has slid off the main one, making room for titles more certain to hit market.

Secret Files: Tunguska This game was screaming out for a place on the list, and almost made it thanks to its multiple characters, intriguing storyline, and, um... oh yeah, those jaw-droppingly gorgeous graphics! But while the developers have confirmed that an English version is planned, the lack of concrete details caused juuust enough slippage to knock it off this time around. But we haven't heard the last of this one, I think.

There continue to be the usual smattering of promising games that couldn't quite break through, like the creepy Scratches as it claws its way nearer to completion, or House of Tales' Overclocked, which is sorely in need of a few more juicy details any time now, or the Sierra-styled Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mine. But as they say in the movie Hypelander, "there can be only ten." (I might be paraphrasing).


I think that covers it. Assuming everyone is now thoroughly ticked off, I'd say my work here is done. Just remember, this is NOT PERMANENT. Hype is an ever-elusive mystery, and what's here today could be gone tomorrow. Or, given my promptness at updating, here today and gone next month. Same idea, though. If your favourite game is too high, too low, or too invisible, maybe next time!

Last edited by Jackal; 09-30-2005 at 07:19 PM.
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